essential dribbling drills for wingers

Soccer dribbling skills are essential for wingers looking to beat defenders and create chances for their team. Mastering an array of dribbling moves and drills can help wingers improve their 1v1 skills and overall effectiveness on the pitch. 

In this guide, we provide 11 of the best soccer dribbling drills that wingers can use to hone their skills and gain an edge over defenders. Whether you are looking to perfect your stepovers, improve close control, or work on cutting inside and shooting, these drills will help take your dribbling to the next level. 

With focused, deliberate training, wingers can become elite dribblers and invaluable assets for their teams in attack.

Understanding the Winger Position and Role

saka on the wing

Wingers play a unique role on the soccer pitch, operating in the wide areas and tasked with providing width to the attack. Their key responsibilities include:

  • Stretching the defense by receiving passes out wide and isolated 1v1 against defenders
  • Beating defenders with speed and dribbling skills to progress the ball upfield
  • Providing crosses and cutbacks from dangerous wide areas 
  • Cutting inside onto their stronger foot and taking long-range shots

To succeed in these roles, elite dribbling technique and creativity is a must-have skill for wingers. The ability to operate in tight spaces, change direction quickly, and unbalance defenders gives wingers an edge when isolated out wide. Mastering soccer dribbling as a winger is arguably the most important skill set to develop.

When receiving the ball wide, wingers must quickly analyze the positioning of defenders to decide whether to take them on or play a simple pass inside. In scenarios where space opens up, beating the defender 1v1 and penetrating into the box can lead to high-quality chances. Soccer dribbling drills will prepare wingers for these moments and help them capitalize on openings when they appear.

Pro Mindset Tips for Wingers

Jack Grealish beating opponent on the wing

In addition to technical dribbling skills, developing the right mindset is crucial for wingers looking to consistently beat defenders 1v1. Here are some mental tips to succeed when isolated outwide:

  • Play with confidence: Visualize yourself beating defenders before receiving the ball and trust in your ability. Do not second guess your skills.
  • Embrace 1v1 scenarios: View 1v1 matchups as opportunities to showcase your talent, rather than something to avoid. Look to isolate yourself against defenders. 
  • Concentration: Lock in mentally when receiving passes in dangerous areas. Do not get distracted and lose focus. 
  • Be proactive: Scan for openings to take on defenders before the ball arrives rather than reacting passively. This will help you capitalize on chances quickly.
  • Creativity: Try new dribbling moves and take risks. Even if they do not always come off, it will lead to more unpredictability.

By developing the right winger mindset and mentality, you can take your dribbling confidence to the next level and consistently win 1v1 matchups.

Essential Dribbling Moves and Skills for Wingers

Wingers should have a variety of dribbling moves in their locker to beat defenders in 1v1 situations. Here are some of the most effective soccer dribbling skills that can help wingers get past fullbacks:

  • Body Feints: Shoulder drops, leg fakes, and other body movements to unbalance defenders and fake a direction change. Executed before you make your actual turn or exit.
  • Stepovers: Quick footwork to step over the ball repeatedly and confuse defenders. Can set up turns or bursts of acceleration.
  • Maradonas: Using the outside of one foot to flick the ball behind the planted leg and quickly change direction. Advanced move to lose defenders.
  • Change of Pace: Bursts of acceleration or deceleration to wrong foot defenders. Being unpredictable with speed is key.
  • Close Control: Keeping the ball tight to your feet when dribbling at speed to maintain control in tight spaces.
  • Exit Touches: Subtle touches using the outside of the foot to exit and accelerate after performing a skill move.

Drilling these core dribbling techniques will give wingers the skills to beat defenders through a combination of footwork, body movement, acceleration, and control.

Cutting Inside Onto Stronger Foot

Vinicius Jr on the wing

One of the most important dribbling techniques for wingers to master is cutting inside onto their stronger foot before shooting or passing. This move allows players to drift in from the wing and open up the angle on goal. 

Key tips when performing this move:

  • Analyze defender positioning to recognize opportunities to cut inside. Look for gaps between fullback and centreback.
  • Use sharp changes of direction and bursts of acceleration after cutting inside to wrong foot defenders. 
  • Move your body sideways as you cut across to shield the ball from defenders.
  • Use defenders as screens when cutting inside to block the goalkeeper’s view and hitting far-post shots.
  • Focus on getting shots off quickly before defenders can recover their positioning after being unbalanced.
  • Master shooting technique to get power and accuracy after cutting inside. Curl shots to the far post.

With repetition, wingers can perfect the subtle movements and timing needed to effectively cut inside and get shots off under pressure from recovering defenders.

Beating Defenders on the Outside 

While cutting inside is an excellent option for wingers, sometimes beating the defender on the outside before delivering a cross can be equally effective. 

Here are tips for taking on defenders out wide:

  • Analyze spacing: Defenders playing off you or backpedaling may open up the outside more than the inside.
  • Explode down the wing: Use speed and straight-line acceleration to blow past defenders on the outside. 
  • Close control: When reaching the end line, keep the ball tight and use your body to shield it.
  • Vary the delivery: Cross first time, cut the ball back, or make a quick move to create time and space to pick out a cross.
  • Accuracy: Aim for spaces rather than specific players with your crosses. Put it into dangerous areas.
  • Protect yourself: Be aware of potential fouls in the box, don’t go down too easily.

Getting to the byline consistently will allow wingers to deliver more dangerous crosses into the box, leading to goals and assists. Work on beating defenders on both the inside and outside.

11 Soccer Dribbling Drills for Wingers

Jeremy Doku beating opponents on the wing

While learning the techniques is important, wingers also need to drill the different dribbling skills in focused practice sessions and training exercises. Here are 11 effective soccer dribbling drills:

1. Cone Dribbling: Place cones in a line and take turns dribbling through them using different footwork and turns. Tighten the spacing to increase difficulty.

2. Stepover Box Drill: Practice stepovers moving through a box shape made of cones and exiting with acceleration.

3. 1v1 Isolation: Go 1v1 against a defender in a small grid working on feints and beating them to cross or shoot.

4. Change of Pace Dribbling: Sprint forward then come to a quick stop before accelerating again. Repeat with variations. 

5. Close Control at Speed: Dribble at speed in tight spaces while keeping the ball close to improve close control.

6. Cut Inside Shooting: Receive passes approaching the corner of the box and work on explosive turns inside and shooting. 

7. Wing Crossing: Beat defender approaching box then deliver driven crosses to teammates making runs.

8. Finishing Drills: Combine dribbling with different types of finishes – far post shots, cutbacks, etc.

9. Pass and Move: Combine dribbling with passing triangles and give-and-goes to maintain possession. 

10. Functional Drills: Incorporate dribbling moves into possession games, and small-sided scrimmages.

11. Defense Awareness: Defenders apply token pressure and track runs to simulate game situations.

Incorporate a mix of drills into weekly training schedules to develop a well-rounded dribbling technique. Isolate specific skills but also integrate them into larger exercises.

Integrating Dribbling Skills into Training Sessions  

While dedicated dribbling sessions are useful, wingers also need to integrate their skills into broader training contexts. Here are some tips:

  • Include dribbling moves in warm-ups – Get lots of touches on the ball each session to develop feel and comfort dribbling.
  • Weave skills work into passing drills – Require a minimum of 1-2 dribbling moves between passes to add complexity. 
  • Situational dribbling drills – Work on skills needed for game situations like beating a press or turning out of trouble.
  • Limit touch scrimmages – Scrimmages where 1-3 touches are allowed force players to integrate close control and skills. 
  • Isolated skill periods – Have 10-15 minute periods during sessions dedicated to specific dribbling skills and moves to drill technique.
  • Free play – Unstructured time to experiment with tricks and moves in a fun environment without pressure. 
  • Feedback from coaches – Have coaches analyze techniques and provide tips for improvement during integrated sessions. 
  • Don’t overcoach – Allow freedom to be creative and try new things during games, don’t strictly structure play.

The key is finding a balance between focused individual work and applying skills in a team context. Well-structured sessions will allow this.

Proper Recovery for Skills Development

Wingers need to be careful to properly support their skills development with adequate rest and recovery. Here are some tips:

  • Listen to your body: Monitor fatigue levels closely and reduce training if feeling worn down. Overtraining will hinder development.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity: Shorter, focused sessions are better than long slogs when working on intensive skills.
  • Periodization: Vary high-intensity and low-intensity training days/weeks rather than constant maximum effort. 
  • Nutrition: Fuel your body properly before and after demanding dribbling sessions. Hydrate and refresh energy.
  • Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep to allow muscles and the brain to recover. Lack of sleep hampers skills.
  • Active recovery: Light jogging, stretching, and foam rolling help the body bounce back faster from demanding dribbling training.
  • Watch out for overuse injuries: Rotate through skills and moves rather than repeating the same patterns to avoid overuse.

With proper periodization between intense skills training and recovery, wingers will progress faster and have longer careers. Don’t ignore the importance of rest.


Mastering soccer dribbling skills and technique is arguably the most important ability for wingers seeking to beat defenders consistently. This article has provided an overview of essential dribbling moves, cutting inside tips, exercises to improve technique, and how to properly integrate into a training regime. 

By implementing these drills and workouts, wingers can gain the confidence, creativity, and unpredictability needed to thrive in 1v1 matchups. Just remember that deliberate practice paired with adequate recovery is crucial. With dedication and proper training, elite dribbling skills are within reach for any winger.

Read More: 3 Advanced Soccer Dribbling Drills to Drastically Improve Your Skills

Wingers Skills Video:


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