Smooth as silk. as precise as a surgeon’s scalpel. These are just some of the ways football fans describe Kevin De Bruyne’s legendary passing ability. Whether it’s a threaded-through ball splitting the defense or a pinpoint cross landing perfectly on a teammate’s foot, De Bruyne’s distribution skills seem almost supernatural at times.

But what if you could unlock similar passing powers? Develop the kind of accuracy and range that keeps defenders constantly guessing and teammates consistently fed with scoring opportunities.

Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we break down 3 simple yet effective drills used by the pros to dramatically improve your passing technique. With a bit of practice, these key exercises can have you pinging the ball around like Man City’s ginger magician in no time.

So read on, young grasshopper. Let’s get you passing like a maestro!

Here are 3 ways you can learn to pass like Kevin De Bruyne from this blog post:

1. The Target Passing Drill

This drill works on your basic passing technique and accuracy.

– Place a ball on the ground to create a target

– Position your planting foot perpendicular to the direction you want to pass

– Open your kicking foot outwards at a 90-degree angle

– Use the inside of your foot to strike through the middle of the ball and push it towards your target

– Once you can consistently hit a stationary target, try hitting a moving ball

As you practice this simple drill, your ability to strike clean passes to stationary and moving targets will greatly increase. Master this and you’ll be able to move the ball around the pitch like De Bruyne.

2. The Threading Gates Drill 

This advanced drill develops your ability to play accurately through passes to teammates.

– Set up line gates using cones or objects lying around

– Aim to pass the ball through each gate in succession without touching the cones

– Start stationary, then try with a moving ball, then try both moving the ball from your feet while passing

– Vary the gaps between gates to increase difficulty

Completing this drill will give you the pinpoint passing precision to slide balls past multiple defenders right into your teammate’s path as KDB does so well.

3. The Distance Passing Drill

This drill expands your passing range. 

– Start by clipping a stationary ball from the 6-yard box into the goal without it bouncing

– Gradually move further back towards midfield, hitting the net with every pass

– Work on generating power while maintaining accuracy

– Switch between right and left feet

In matches, De Bruyne regularly pings 50-60-yard diagonals perfectly into feet. This drill builds the range and consistency to unlock that long-distance weapon in your arsenal.

With consistent practice using these three focused drills, unleashing your inner De Bruyne is an achievable reality. Give them a try and watch your distribution abilities reach a whole new level!

Here are some motivational sentences to encourage yourself to practice these passing drills:

The touch of a master is earned in the hands of a student. Put in the work today and enjoy the fruits of it in the game tomorrow.

Progress happens outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself with these drills to expand your capabilities right away.

You cannot hit a target you do not aim for. Set that KDB-level accuracy as your goal and transform your technique as you practice.

To throw like the greats takes training like the greats. Master these iconic drills to unlock iconic passing abilities within you.

Aim for more and achieve more. Raise your expectations and these drills will elevate your execution.

The ball bending to your will is a product of time bending to your dedication. Invest that dedication by repeating these drills.

Stand today where greatness stands by standing where you are and striving forward. Pursue mastery through these powerful drills.

One more rep, one more pass, one step closer to KDB-like distribution dominance. Keep digging!

In Conclution

Kevin De Bruyne makes world-class passing look effortless. His unique blend of technique, vision, and innovation allows him to consistently put the ball exactly where he intends.

While you may not reach his rarified level of distribution wizardry, implementing the 3 drills in this article can no doubt add new dimensions to your passing range and accuracy. Whether it’s sharpening your basic technique, playing penetrating through balls, or extending your distance, focusing practice on these key areas is proven to yield results.

Now you have a blueprint. By dedicating time to mastering the Target Passing, Threading Gates, and Distance drills, unleashing passes that make spectators gasp instead of groan is not just possible but probable.

So get to the practice pitch and get busy. Those pinpoint rockets that tear defenses apart won’t produce themselves. Respect the drills, and the drills will reward you. Before you know it, you too will be passing like a legend, bending balls to your will, and leaving your mark on the beautiful game.

Related Post: How to pass in football


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